United we stand... United we stand...

This page is your source for recreational information on Gulf Oil Corporation history. DO NOT use this information for any other purpose. It is not meant to be used as "official" data. Every effort is made to see that ONLY correct information is outlined, and sources for said information are noted.

Again, the express purpose for this data is for the enjoyment of the GOHS membership, and other friends of Gulf Oil. If you find errors in this data, and have WRITTEN proof of the error, snail mail the information to the address on the GOHS home page. DO NOT email information to the GOHS or the webmaster, Please!

IMPORTANT: This is an ongoing project. If the information you are looking for is not here, just relax. Someday it just may be. We add information when we have time. We have hundreds and hundreds of sources, and countless photographs. At this point, we are NOT looking for donations. It's not that we are being rude, it's that we don't have time to deal with what we have, let alone processing unsolicited donations. Thank you for understanding.

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     Happy Birthday Gulf!!!     
Although Gulf had it's conception at Spindletop, with the strike of January 10th, 1901, it's true "Birthday" was November 10th, 1901. On that date, in Pittsburgh PA, the charter for the "Gulf Refining Company of Texas" was signed. This was the first official use of the word "Gulf" as an oil concern. It is interesting to note, that the officers in charge at that time wanted to name the company the Texas Oil Company. When they applied for the charter, they learned, that only 2 weeks prior, that name had been chartered. They settled for Gulf, taken from the nearby Gulf of Mexico. Had they applied for the charter 3 weeks earlier, Gulf would have been called Texaco, and who knows what the Texas Oil Company would have been called, maybe Gulf!!

9719 Co. Rd H
Delta, Ohio 43515

The GULFOIL HISTORICAL SOCIETY is a non-profit organization that promotes fun and relaxation while working to preserve a great piece of American history. It acts, in no way, as a threat to any existing entity, and derives no profit or benefit from the use of any trademark or name. The names GULF, GULF OIL, GULFPRIDE, ORANGE DISC, etc., are trademarks of ChevronTexaco, Gulf Oil LP, and Gulf Oil Int'l, and are being used to show historical reference only. The Orange Disc likeness, in varied forms, are trademarked by ChevronTexaco, Gulf Oil LP, and Gulf Oil Int'l, and may or may not be under license agreement with other corporations. The GOHS shows and uses these likenesses as a historical reference only, and is not associated with ChevronTexaco or their licensees.

Sources for information contained on ths site, unless listed otherwise, are from Gulf Oil Corporation Publications. Examples include "The Orange Disc" magazine, "The Oilmanac" magazine, etc.

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